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Wrong Turn 2 2007

A group of reality show contestants find themselves fighting for their survival against a family of hideously deformed inbred cannibals who plan to ruthlessly butcher them all.
5.5/10 IMDb
Adventure,Horror So cool that Henry Rollins is in it and he was nothing but cool in the whole flick. Every time he was on the screen it was the right movie. Rollins plays the host of a stupid looking reality show were the contestants pretend they must survive a post-apocalyptic world, but they soon discover how real that scenario is, as they end up taping the show in the same woods as a group of psychopathic killers. In this film, somewhat of an origin story is given to the inbreed family that does the slashing in the woods, but I have to say, the group that did the killing in the first film were far more better. Just a little bit more creepy and creative in Wrong Turn. In Wrong Turn 2, it seem they were trying to up the extreme of these characters when it was not needed. By itself it's more of a Stereotypical horror film with elements of Predator-like action, thanks mostly to Rollins. As a franchise, while the original brought freshness to the genre, it's sequel was stale.